Providing three types of coaching:

1. “Behind Every Successful Woman Is A Gay Man!” — for women balancing their feminine and masculine energies, in themselves and others, to succeed in business and live fulfilled. 2. Big Shift Coaching guides one on how to define and undertake the post-mid-life transformation from a life programmed but unsatisfying, to a life with deeper authenticity and meaning. 3. Invitational Marketing Coaching supports professionals and organization managers to produce great business results and also benefit society and the Earth.

1. Coaching Women’s Life Success.

Larry Rosenberg and his women clients accept this modern wisdom, “Behind every successful woman is a gay man.”

To make it in the male-dominated professional and corporate world, women often face external biases and barriers, and deal internally with the many and at times contradictory ways to express their feminine nature and masculine energy to achieve both business success and personal fulfillment.

Coming too much from the feminine side puts women out of step with the masculine-style norms of goals, action and results; going too far in adopting masculine behaviors means losing touch with women’s natural strengths in relationships, nurturing and intuition, and even risk identity confusion.
Larry’s coaching heightens a woman’s awareness of the various and subtle issues involved in complex situations, and encourages her to discover and develop an optimal balance between the yin of her self and the yang of her career.

Larry’s coaching typically addresses areas that a key to a woman’s success and authenticity – including how to understand and adapt to the male perspective, leverage natural female capabilities, express personal power, create a positive appearance, become a role model for a new behaviors, and make choices between her work demands and personal nature.

With the sensitivity and multidimensionality of being a gay man for seven decades and an international career of 45 years, Larry has navigated his own conscious journey of a balanced and integrated personhood. He has worked with a diversity of women, solo professionals and corporate managers, American and international, to help them to succeed in their careers and organizations, and accept who they are as modern women.

2. Coaching for Manifesting Life’s Big Shift.

Up to the age of 40 to 50 years, people likely live a programmed life, in which their internalize their family and cultural norms – regarding education, career, relationships, and consumption. But after mid-life, around 40 to 60 years and even after retirement, they may continue to follow the old program but with less satisfaction; or they may be uncertain about what new way of living they desire and how to manifest it. This is the time to make the Big Shift in life – to become more authentic, fulfilling, joyful, loving and peaceful.

Larry’s life coaching approach helps clients to navigate this Big Shift – by mining clues from their past, tapping into their present insights, and envisioning their desired future. In this way, they can recognize their true self, express their passion, pursue their dream, live their life purpose, and leave a legacy to the world.

In the 2010s, Larry made the Big Shift and has since then coached others to reinvent their lives. In a collaborative way, he guides clients to invigorate their physical body, release their limiting emotions, harness their empowering emotions, sharpen their mental capacity, optimize their relationships and social networks, and strengthen their spiritual realization.

Customized to client needs, Larry’s coaching approach facilitates the balanced integration of clients’ intellectual, psychological and spiritual capacities to enhance their thinking, creativity and intuition – thus enabling them to transform the reality of their life and world.

3. Coaching for Invitational Marketing.

For people who have made a Big Shift in their lives, entrepreneurial and marketing efforts may be the vital next step. Or, they may have an existing business that is requiring greater marketing strategy and success, especially if it is driven by a social visionary and values. In either situation, Larry’s approach to marketing – called Invitational Marketing – and coaching would be valuable to a client.
Invitational Marketing crystalizes and supports a marketing strategy where clients engagingly invite customers to choose their system/service/product, by using a variety of communication methods – characterized by respect, integrity and conscious values. This approach is highly effective for attracting and retaining customers, and contrasts with conventional marketing’s self-serving and manipulative methods.

Invitational Marketing is particularly suitable for clients seeking greater sales and profits, while at the same time are committed to a business vision and values that benefit the community, society, Humanity and the Earth.

In these three marketing zones, Larry’s specialties contribute to desired results:

Main Marketing Zones Larry’s Specialties in Marketing
You are offering a system, service or product that reflects your passionate life purpose Vision/Mission, Company Name, Brand Name, Tagline, Elevator Speech, and Goals and Objectives
You are convinced that there are individuals or organizations that have a deep need for and can benefit from your offering Market Segments, Market Targets, Customer Behavior, Competition Comparison, Market- ing Research, and Customer Data Analysis
You are intent on creating an integrated marketing strategy that serves and satisfies them, and positively impacts your community, society, Humanity and the Earth System/Service/Product, Website, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Print Materials, Advertising and Promotion, Public Relations, Pricing, Distribution, Support Services, and Marketing Alliances


Larry’s coaching involves clients in evaluating their current marketing strategy and results, framing their vision and values, setting their goals and objectives, building their marketing system, creating their comprehensive marketing strategy, and devising their plan for implementation and review.

After earning a PhD in Marketing, Larry’s 45-year professional career has included university teaching, international management training (10 years in Japan), and independent business consulting – in the U.S. and 15 world-class cities on all five continents.

To receive of Larry’s Invitational Marketing Report.

Email him at

Contact Larry.

Email, or call 928-202-0010 (Mountain Time).

Where the Coaching Takes Place.

For coaching with Larry, you can interact face-to-face in Sedona, AZ, or via Skype (code, chuneum).

Fees for Coaching.

Larry’s coaching fees are: $150 per hour; with a 10% discount for 10 sessions and a 15% discount for 15 sessions.

7 Testimonials

“As an entrepreneur working on innovative complex systems, being coached by Larry Rosenberg deepened my adaptability, intuitive communications, and creative problem solving. I went from feeling overwhelmed to balancing my work, life and fun. I have become more authentic and honest inside myself, and more empathetic with everyone around me. Larry’s coaching is based on his incredibly rich life and career history, which has everything and nothing to do with his being gay.”

– D. Kearney, EdD, CEO, Job Smart System, Pittsburgh, PA

“Larry Rosenberg is comfortable being gay and coaching women. He used his powerful intuition, high creativity and masterful relating to help me pursue new business options, and sharpen my marketing communications and pricing.”

– M. Hoaglund, Owner,, Seattle, WA

“Larry Rosenberg is one of the most loving men I know. Not only is he brilliant, but his devotion to service is highly commendable. Larry is easy to work with, prompt, capable and a wonderful marketing resource, in addition to his workshops. His organizational skills are amazing. I will always want Larry on my team! He gets the job done with integrity, honor and sacrifice so that everybody wins. I’m proud to call him my colleague and I highly recommend his services.”

– E. Monet, CEO, Connect The Dots For Education, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

“Larry Rosenberg is the very best at bringing ideas and people together. I was with a business group that hired him. While I did not find him, I wish I had; I would love to have taken credit for the deed. Larry does not do miracles, he is just a genius. There is no hype with him, he is just the real deal.”

– J.M. Ragin, Director of Fundraising, Gatech Fitness, Atlanta, GA

“I met Larry Rosenberg in Brazil in September 2009. Larry is someone who touches the souls of others, who see him quickly connecting with the universal nature of each of us. He uses this talent well in his writing and marketing and overall projects. To me, he was an inspiring coach and an uplifting and joyous spirit to be around. He gets along well with people of all ages and cultures, and helps each person he meets move further along the path of his or her special mission in life!”

– K. Maurice, Executive Director, Worldfund, Sao Paulo, Brazil

“Larry has been an invaluable resource to me in working on the development of my business. His coaching style is direct and supportive, which is a positive combination. He has the ability to bring clarification to your mission and help you to sharply identify your customers’ needs. He has given me a greater appreciation of the power of crafting the correct phrase and using just the right word to engage your customers and give them a sense of your company’s capabilities and a willingness to trust you. Larry ‘s consulting and mentoring will definitely continue to be a part of my business and marketing plans.”

– J. Demetra, Founder and Designer, DEMETRA, Rockport, MA

“In a most beautiful way, Larry Rosenberg changed my life. Since childhood, I wanted to sing; but I felt inhibited doing so in public. After Larry’s classes, I now can sing freely in front of others! While my singing is far from good, I don’t care. I sing for the joy of it. Larry is one of a kind; so are his classes.”

– M. Norwood, Technology Entrepreneur, Sedona, AZ

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